Cernunnos' Reverie is trance dance, tribal fusion band - a blend of world influences with heavy rhythms - dramatic, evocative, lush, passionate, exotic.


Starting Fresh in Washington State


Looking for musicians for driving rhythms.

Previously started Tuatha (find at Tuatha, bandmix, spotify (both albums), and others) which lasted nine years with many festivals including Arise and Dreamtime. Tuatha was two tribal/hand drummers, bass, violin and guitar.

The music for this new band is also tribal fusion - a blend of world tribal influences with heavy rhythms and gothic rock tinge - dramatic, evocative, lush, passionate, exotic and erotic. The compositions are largely composed (versus jam band). This band's music is along the lines of that of Tuatha, but with a different feel - closer to music like Wardruna, Danheim, Heilung, Rhea's Obsession, Theodor Bastard, Shiva in Exile, Azam Ali (Elysium for the Brave), Kaya Project, Kidneythieves, Ego Likeness, and Curve. Lyrics will be inspiring, thought provoking, challenging, and profound, when we get to compositions with vocals.

I want this project at professional quality performance level. It is a part-time effort more for the art and fun than for living level income. It will include special projects with guest performers/musicians for specific event shows that will include choreographed dance. The plan is for festivals and bi-monthly to monthly events/gigs and bigger quarterly events (versus weekly or bi-weekly gigs). It will be open to travel for events, but is not planning on basic touring. It will be open for bigger tour events at performance venues if it becomes very popular, but is not going after bar hopping tours.

I am looking for creative, competent musicians. I need musicians who love driving tribal rhythms.

Music will be co-created. However, I operate with the rule that the person who creates the initial 'signature' of a composition that defines it as a distinct composition is that composition's creative director and has final say in everything for that piece. That means we can offer all of the ideas we have for that piece, or the creative director can ask for something like "such and such", but the result will be the creative director's vision for that piece. That way we each have the opportunity to create pieces that meet our own visions versus compromising on every piece. That also means that we each will commit to 100% support for whatever the creative director for the piece asks regardless of our own opinion of what we like. I reserve the power to decide if the piece fits into the general identity of the band, but I will not dictate anything about the composition to my taste (unless it's my piece).

I did the same thing with Tuatha and some pieces pushed the boundary of identity, but I really do want to support each bandmate. I just want to ensure that what starts as a tribal fusion band does not end up as Dixieland jazz. You get the idea.

Performances will be visually oriented too. I'm not set on exactly what that is, but I am interested in being visually interesting and engaging too. I am not interested in all jeans and t-shirt. So if you have some flamboyancy, this is a place for that. Check out Tuatha pictures on FB,, or my profile on bandmix, Having said all that, I am now leaning towards a more coordinated visual aspect of performance. Take a look at the Tuatha black light show and Heilung LIFA show.

Bandmates must be completely comfortable with all races, colors, religions, national origins, sexes, sexual orientations, gender identities, ages, and disabilities. I am liberal. I am pagan. We will be playing pagan events too. I got Tuatha the Denver Witches' Ball, attended by upwards of 1000 people, that so enjoyed us, we played for 7 years. This new band has played there two years. Tuatha also headlined the Denver Zoo annual fundraiser. There are Burner festivals and alternative events and mainstream events. This new band will be open to all events that are in non-discriminatory environments. Don't be surprised if we perform at Denver PrideFest or Pagan Pride Day or Taste of Colorado or New Orleans Witches' Ball or Arise or Tribal Fest.

I probably have not covered everything, but this is a good start.

Please, provide your musical inspirations, samples of your playing, and goals for your musical life. I am not so interested in equipment, rather what you can do with it.

I am very excited to make this happen and co-create.

Peace, Ek'Balam

A Healing Time - Ritual and Celebration

Saturday, 26 Dec 2020 — 7:00 pm

Mercury Cafe
2199 California Street, Denver, CO 80205 | 303.294.9281

A ritual for healing Gaia, our community, and ourselves.

In collaboration with Marilyn and the Mercury Cafe

Come join us in dance and celebration, in healing and nurturing our community.

Open Ritual, Music, Open Dancing - generating healing energy and intentions in ourselves, our community, and for the world. Dance performances to light the way.

Celebrating Mabon / Autumn Equinox and creating balance in the time of balance.

Rafi'ah Ruyah, Eva Cernik, and Rachid Halihal will be sharing dance and music performances to light our way for A Healing Time.

Ek'Balam is facilitating the ritual, and Cernunnos' Reverie is providing music for dancing and listening.

And, as always, locally sourced, organic food and drink of the Mercury Cafe to whet our appetites.

Health masks are required, and we will be practicing social distancing. And you are most welcome to wear other types of masks too.

Please, join us.

Suggested donation: $5 - $10 (besides a hard cost for a sound engineer all proceeds are going directly to the Mercury Cafe to help)